What we’ve done

We are information designers because we commit to understanding the substance and finding design solutions. See how we do it by engaging in a dialogue with our clients.

Creating a narrative to explain the impact of Economic dynamism

Explaining the inner workings of Economic dynamism

Client : Economic Dynamism Group
Year : 2023

Highlighting the positive results of a multi-sport program in Quebec

How can we highlight the positive results of Fillactive's multi-sport program for teenage girls?

Client : Fillactive
Year : 2023

A comprehensive assessment of the cost of climate change for the Canadian population

How can we capture the attention of decision-makers and compel them to act in the face of the costs of climate change?

Client : Canadian Climate Institute
Year : 2022

Freeing the US from its culture of detention

How can we demonstrate that there is a widespread culture of detention through the US court system, leading to record high rates of pretrial detention, and riddled with systemic biases.

Client : University of Chicago - Federal Criminal Justice Clinic
Year : 2022

A new look at the performance of residential and long-term care centres in Québec

How can we make visible the opportunities available to improve the living conditions for the most vulnerable elderly in Quebec?

Client : Commissaire à la santé et au bien-être
Year : 2022

Achieving net zero in Canada will require a Big Switch

How can we shine a light on the role of electricity in achieving Canada’s net zero targets?

Client : Canadian Climate Institute
Year : 2022

The Canadian economy and the transition to a low-carbon world

How can we show the opportunities and the risks for Canada of the wave of low carbon at the global level?

Client : Canadian Institute for Climate Choices
Year : 2021

Standards for climate charts

How to meet the higher standards that the audience demands when it comes to digital and in-print data visualization? All while balancing the need for nuances and impact when it comes to climate data?

Client : Canadian Climate Institute
Year : 2021

Taking nature into account(ing)

How can we show that protecting biodiversity can be good for the economy?

Client : World Bank Group
Year : 2021

Networks at work

How can we show the strengths and weaknesses of the start-up ecosystem in Tokyo?

Client : Tokyo Development Learning Center
Year : 2021

Promoting food security for farming communities

How do you create a practical and easy-to-use tool to guide the collection and analysis of data that will ensure seed security?

Client : SeedChange
Year : 2020

Encouraging economic development in the East of Montréal

Historically, the East of Montreal is a region that has been less developed and less well served than the Center and the West. How can we mobilize political actors to restore equity?

Client : Chambre de commerce de l’Est de Montréal
Year : 2019

Bamako: The time to act is now!

How to convey the immense opportunity of urban development in Bamako for all of Mali?

Client : World Bank Group
Year : 2018

Before It’s Too Late

How do you convey as clearly as possible that fauna is at a tipping point in a crucial spot of biodiversity in Africa?

Client : World Bank Group
Year : 2018

We will be happy to help you reveal your worth. Here is how you can reach us.