Promoting food security for farming communities

Promoting food security for farming communities SeedChange is a non-profit organization whose mission is working with farmers to grow healthy food using good seeds and sustainable practices. Out of their collaboration with Dr Pratap Shrestha came a practical tool. This tool would guide the user in the collection and analysis of field data with the […]
Encouraging economic development in the East of Montréal

Encouraging economic development in the East of Montreal The Chambre de commerce de l’Est de Montréal (CCEM) defends and promotes the socio-economic development of the city’s East. After extensive research and consultation with many strategic allies, the CCEM wanted to bring together in a single document the list of actions to adopt to develop the […]
Bamako: The time to act is now!

Bamako: The time to act is now! A World Bank Group report finds that Bamako has an important opportunity to improve service delivery and expand growth that can lead to a more resilient and productive capital. With so much data to convey, the authors turned to us to find a clear way to communicate their […]
Before It’s Too Late

Before It’s Too Late This report was designed for the Environment Global Practice of the World Bank Group. It’s a crucial topic as the wildlife population of the Western Congo Basin is declining and the region is in urgent need of solutions to reverse this trend. The cover page uses a stark image of a […]
The path to low-carbon, low-cost electricity grids

The path to low-carbon, low-cost electricity grids The Climate Policy Initiative, based in London, requested our services to create the graphs and do the complete layout of their report Flexibility: The path to low-carbon, low-cost electricity grids. They had written the report and drafted the graphs, so our role was to ensure that the graphs […]